Happy Holidays (new music, opportunities and love)!

First of all, I just wanted to wish you a Happy Holiday season with your loved ones. It seems like each year speeds up a little more and I’m learning the importance of structuring these times with intention that allows for relaxation and connection with the ones we care about.

On the music end of things, I have three new singles nearly ready to release with the new year! Each one has a different sound from each other, so I'm excited to see which one resonates with everyone the most. I also just uploaded 15 new song ideas to a Google Drive to start working on with new producers, so I'm planning for a much larger project to come to fruition in 2024.

On the milestone side of things, I just hit 1,000 Subscribers on YouTube, which was a big goal of mine for 2023 and I'm very proud to have reached it. It started as a means to get more "street cred" with the YouTube algorithm, but it quickly became a more meaningful pursuit to try and really grow a niche community of people interested in being on the ground floor of upcoming music. With Subscribers, I’m able to share my artistic musings in a more direct way and be able to KNOW my videos are visible to the ones who want to see them most. If you haven't Subscribed yet, there is LOADS of longer content that I exclusively post there for you to dive into. It helps me immensely and I greatly appreciate it >> SUBSCRIBE HERE.

I will likely drop one more video tomorrow as a recap of gratitude, not only for your continued support, but for all of the moments of inspiration and blessings that the universe has put all around me.

I have a tendency to get caught up comparing myself to others, which can make me feel genuine dread in my soul from time to time. There’s nothing quite like the feeling that you aren’t living up to your full potential to really slap you around a bit - but that “full potential” is completely in my hands. It’s not about the outcome, which is often something out of my direct control, but rather about the attitude I look at each day to truly give my best to what it is I do and to the people I interact with. That is the full potential of the spirit, which is an invaluable source of fulfillment… But let’s be honest, the desired outcome is definitely appreciated from time to time as well LOL. Patience is the key here!

Before this gets too long, I just want to say I hope my music leaves you in a better place than when it found you. I am well beyond feeling like my life's purpose is to become famous so I can be a rockstar and live forever in the history books of pop culture. All of those things would be nice and I don't think their allure will ever completely go away, but I have found a much more truthful purpose for my being here. Besides my family, music has shaped my life more than anything and it will continue to do so until the end. I've seen my music bring people closer to family, friends and lovers in gatherings of all sorts. I've seen it entrance babies from across the room as if I were performing magic. I've seen it move the elderly to dance and forget old aches and pains, if only for a couple minutes. I've even seen it stir a great man from a deep coma, which enabled his wife to have a few precious moments to speak to him a little louder before he made his departure from this Earth...

Music IS magic - what else has the power to instantly move people so deeply to feel things they thought were impossible? This is my purpose here, so again, I only hope mine can move you towards a better place because it certainly has done so for me.

Thank you for everything and I'll leave you with a new Podcast (On Mars Pod) I was featured on where I dive into my background in music and where it's headed >> WATCH HERE.

Much Love, Happy Holidays and let’s make it our best year yet!


Get that town warmed up for me (LIVE MUSIC SEASON!!!)


Two Weeks To Remember (lot of light on the horizon)